“In the case of all things which have several parts and in which the totality is not, as it were, a mere heap, but the whole is something besides the parts, there is a cause”
Aristotle 980a Metaphysics, Translated by W. D. Ross
The research agenda of KMCPE is to explore the philosophical foundations of economic thought. Karl Mittermaier used to distinguish sharply between the subject matter of economics and the tools employed in economics, arguing that much had been accomplished in developing the tools, but little in understanding the subject matter. These very sophisticated tools of economics are now employed in different fields of investigation, and so we have imperialism of economics. In contrast, the agenda of the philosophy of economics is not to develop new markets, so to say, for economics, but to develop new ways to look at the subject matter; developing novel tools of economic thought, rather than applying the existing tools in novel ways.
Menger’s Aristotelianism
Cambridge Journal of Economics,
Volume 42, Issue 2, March 2018, Pages 577–594
The Hand Behind the Invisible Hand
Dogmatic and Pragmatic Views on Free Markets and the State of Economic Theory
published by Bristol University Press
The Invisible Hand and Some Thoughts on the Non-Existent in What We Study
Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, vol. 139(1), pages 135-158.
An Introduction to Karl Mittermaier and His Philosophy of Economics
Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, vol. 139(1), pages 123-134.
Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE)
Release period 4 issues per year (incl. one special issue). Approx. 450 pp./vol.
in Subjectivism, Intelligibility and Economic Understanding edited by Israel Kirzner
Ludwig Lachmann (1906 -1990) A Biographical Sketch
South African Journal of Economics 1992 vol 60 (1) p. 7
Ludwig Lachmann Memorial Lecture: On the Delicate Nature of Markets
South African Journal of Economics 2000 vol 68 (3) p. 537
On the Meaning of “Inflationary”: Comment
South African Journal of Economics 1978 vol 46 (1) p 44-47